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How to Write a Problem-Solution Essay? Make it Easier With This Fruitful Guide

Essays are assigned by the teacher when you are in school and college. They play a vital role in getting good marks in the class. Essays carry more numbers (grades) than the general questions in the assessment. So, you need to give more attention to them. If you search for online essay help, then you will come to know the types of essays.

Have a look at the types of essays in the below-section.

1. Expository Essay

2. Descriptive Essay

3. Narrative Essay

4. Argumentative Essay

5. Problem-Solution Essay

In this piece of information, you will learn about the Problem-Solution essay writing.

What is a Problem-Solution Essay:

Problem-Solution types of essays unveil certain problems and offer various ways to solve it. A problem or situation is described in the part of the introduction and the solution is given in the body of the essay. Problem-Solution essays mainly contain 4 elements. These are presented below.

1. Situation: Whenever you are told to write a problem solution essay, choose a topic that you can describe properly. It can be a question or a burning situation. In this part of the essay, the background of the situation is mentioned. If you will take a general topic, then you can not justify it with the Problem-Solution essay as it is all about providing a solution to the problem. In the introduction part, you have to mention the situation, for which you can offer a solution.

2. Problem: In this element, the problem is described and provided the reason why it is important to be discussed. You have to explain the problem and its scope so that the professor can consider your essay theme right. If the problem is not elaborated properly, then it can cause a problem when you will write about the solution.

3. Solution: In this element, the solution to the problem described in the introduction is provided. When you give a solution to the problem cover its effects on the economical and social environment. Analyze the solution and check if you can cover a broad area of the solution by writing it. Here present a proper answer to the problem.

4. Evaluation: In this element, you have to write the call for action. You have to give an overview of previously stated ideas and future scope for other students if they write for the same theme. Here you have to present judgment about the particular result you come up with while offering a solution to the problem. In this part of the Problem-Solution essay, you have to provide evidence to justify your opinion or solution for the situation.

Writing a Problem-Solution essay can become an easy task for you if you follow this fruitful guide. Before selecting a topic for this type of essay, check whether the topic is really a problem as Problem-Solution is all about the problem and solution. If you think you can not write this type of essay because you have poor writing skills, then do not worry. Seek online essay help from Instant Assignment Help. You can get a quality document from this site. The customer support is available round the clock, so you can contact them anytime.